In a heartwarming turn of events, popular small-size socialite and actress Aunty Ramota, known for her exceptional talent and vibrant personality, has become a proud landlord as she was gifted a landed property from on her ardent fans, T-gloryland.
The good news was shared on her page as she video of herself receiving the land documents.
The video was caption with, ” Aunty Ramota heading for the office of @tgloryland land and property to receive documentation of land gifted her by the company. To God be all glory! A special thank you to @larahlight02 Mummy J, @small_saamu_ @ebutecastle and the rest of team that continues to endure the pains and pressures of guidance of aunty Ramota.”
In another a video was shared as she visited her landed property with the caption, ” Visit to @tgloryland for her landed property as promised by @tgloryland please guys let follow and patronize them 🙏
thank you so much @tgloryland”
The news of Aunty Ramota’s acquisition of the property has resonated with her colleagues and fans alike.
Watch the video below: