This is worst report have recieved in this 2024. 😭Emirate Petrol Station Owner, Adelabu told his his wife he was traveling to Abuja for a business meeting. On his way to airport, he recieved a call that the meeting has been cancelled. He made made a U-turn. He said it was not necessary to call his wife to inform her he was coming back. On getting home, he opening his palour and saw his houseboy he brought from Akwa Ibom on top his w!fe😭 He K!ll His Wife, K!ll His Houseboy, and then k!ll himself.(Photos)

This is worst report have recieved in this 2024. 😭Emirate Petrol Station Owner, Adelabu told his his wife he was traveling to Abuja for a business meeting. On his way to airport, he recieved a call that the meeting has been cancelled. He made made a U-turn. He said it was not necessary to call his wife to inform her he was coming back. On getting home, he opening his palour and saw his houseboy he brought from Akwa Ibom on top his w!fe😭 He K!ll His Wife, K!ll His Houseboy, and then k!ll himself…



Sesan Adelabu, CEO of Emirate Oil & Gas, Akure matchetted his wife to death and also took his own life….

Death and/ or murder is never the answer, men.

When she replaces you with someone less, walk away boldly and proudly: it’s her loss, shame and regret, not yours.

Leave the cheating and treacherous bastard and walk away with your shoulders high.

Society doesn’t support men when abused, maltreated or tormented by women. So fcuk the society and ignore their skewd judgements in matters they know little or absolutely nothing about! It’s their ignorance not yours.

It is worse when the man is successful and somewhat rich, the society believe all lies, manipulations and deceits of the woman instead.

In most cases, the abuser is taken as innocent while the real victim is treated with so much disdain and disrespect.

Men should stop keeping quiet but speak out. Your silence is dangerous and the outcome is often death or murder!


Men do not support men in domestic trauma. They rather mock and castigate their own instead.

This is why many men would rather kill or die in silence when facing domestic abuse and violence.


A man can withstand the toughest business failure but most men can’t stand a failed investment in the wrong love!

When your investment in love with the wrong woman happens, speak up and walk away. You are not a failure as your silence and society will make you believe.


Be the real winner.

Speak out.

Replace a cheating and treacherous partner.

Care and love yourself more.

Let your new success do the killing instead.

Don’t take your own life nor hers.

Know that shit happens to good people in life

You’re a winner and not failure.


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