We remember the súddden deāth of very popular SINGER, Mad melon of Danfo Driver, This guy made our growing up so fun with their hit track ‘i am a danfo driver sure’ mad melon life was cút short in 2019. His daughter has finally opened up on what caused his d£ath.May his soul rest in peace. If you have listened to any Danfo driver’s song before, don’t scroII buy without writing R.i.p ‎

We remember the súddden deāth of very popular SINGER, Mad melon of Danfo Driver, This guy made our growing up so fun with their hit track ‘i am a danfo driver sure’ mad melon life was cút short in 2019. His daughter has finally opened up on what caused his d£ath.
May his soul rest in peace. If you have listened to any Danfo driver’s song before, don’t scroII buy without writing R.i.p ‎

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